Our Social Values

Concerto is committed to doing what we can to make our organisation and the world we work in, more inclusive and sustainable through how we operate. We will add social value to the communities in which we live and work wherever possible and appropriate.  

Delivering social value is important to us and will form part of the way we do business. We will:

Have operating policies that enable us to be more inclusive and sustainable, such as in relation to Mental Health and Wellbeing; Flexible, Hybrid and Home Working; Volunteering and Charitable Donations; Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion; and Sustainability

Share knowledge with our clients: where appropriate, we will seek to share knowledge on social value opportunities, best practice and trusted Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSEs), so that we build collective social value implementation capability

Choose suppliers in ways that maximise our (and their) social value contribution wherever possible

Volunteer in the community: we encourage Partners and employees to engage with local VCSEs. We give each person up to 3 paid volunteering days p.a.

Offer pro bono advice to VCSEs and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs): we support VCSEs and MSMEs to help them develop capacity, improve capability and therefore be able to employ more people and / or grow more sustainably

We will regularly communicate our objectives and our social value delivery to our clients, existing and potential employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders.  This policy is supported by all our Partners and is reviewed as required and at least annually at our Management Plan review. The Partner responsible for developing the policy is Anne Marie Southall.

Carbon reduction – Concerto is committed to managing its emissions responsibly

Carbon Reduction

Concerto is an SME, but that does not negate our obligation to step-up to our climate challenge. Concerto is committed to managing its emissions responsibly and in a manner which can have the maximum benefit environmentally.

Whilst we strive to better manage our carbon emissions, Concerto has also partnered with ‘Make it Wild’ to offset our residual carbon emissions to zero.

Review our Carbon Reduction Plan here:
Carbon Reduction Plan

Our partnership with ‘Make it Wild’ Nature Reserves enables Concerto to help an organisation that doesn’t just plant trees (which absorb carbon, produce oxygen, and support insects, birds, and small mammals) but creates habitats for biodiversity to grow and flourish.  

Concerto’s emissions may be small compared to other organisations, but our commitment to being responsible is steadfast. We have begun a journey which is never too late to start.

Implementation guidance notes

Context and requirement

  • We have collective responsibility for delivering meaningful and measurable social value.·      
  • We encourage people to tell us when they are already involved in social value delivery activities; e.g. coaching students from disadvantaged backgrounds in local schools; helping students re university / Oxbridge applications; advising VCSEs on building projects etc
  • We encourage team members to get involved in social value activities and ask that they record information about what they have done, for how long, and which skills they have been using
  • Participation in any particular social value activity is entirely voluntary. We encourage people to consider current workload and personal life stage before making social value commitments. Partner and employee wellbeing is paramount for us
  • Concerto has particular interest in supporting: Veterans, People with neurodiverse conditions, Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and Hospices

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