Our highly experienced consultants work with the client’s in-house team in approaching the market, running the procurement process, managing the transition and embedding the change, delivering significant savings and enduring results.
For buyers, we convey the full range of services including developing an overarching delivery strategy, supported by a commercial strategy, bundling or separating phases of the project or the services in order to maximise bidder response. We draft specifications and tender documents, taking care to limit the number of performance measures. We can run the full competition on behalf of the client or we can simply top up existing internal capability.
On construction projects for example, we offer thought leadership in applying the New Engineering Contract (NEC4), which is mandated across government and represents best practice.
Whatever the challenge, we orchestrate the whole process from the market engagement process, through supplier selection, to the appointment process.
Most projects and service contracts are procured though competition in the relevant markets. Our teams of highly experienced procurement professionals work with clients to maximise the outcomes in a sustainable way. We are familiar with all modern forms of procurement and have specialists available to support all approaches, including how to make a Competitive Dialogue really work for both the client and the bidder.
For suppliers who are responding to bidding opportunities, we provide highly experienced bid support services. We can advise as the bid takes shape. This can include independent marking of draft responses, full presentation rehearsals and war game scenario planning.
After bid-win, we can help mobilise teams and get the whole service up and running.